Charles "Teenie" Harris Velma Carey singing during "I am an American Day" celebration at Forbes Field, Oakland, 1952
Charles "Teenie" Harris Group portrait of fifteen women, possibly members of Francis Street Friendly Circle Club, gathered in Centre Avenue YMCA, July 1950
Charles "Teenie" Harris Members of Kolesque Club posed in front of railing in interior, ca. 1950
Charles "Teenie" Harris Young men and women dancing in Centre Avenue YMCA gymnasium, c. 1954
Charles "Teenie" Harris People gathered at Lunch counter at the Centre Avenue YMCA, c. 1946
Charles "Teenie" Harris Donald McCreary, presenting community services plaques during Y-Phalanx Fraternity banquet, Centre Avenue YMCA, March 1960
Charles "Teenie" Harris Group portrait of beauty shop owners in Centre Avenue YMCA, February - March 194
Charles "Teenie" Harris Group portrait of Schenley High School graduates posed in Centre Avenue YMCA, April 1958
Charles "Teenie" Harris Crowd of young men and women standing in front of Homestead Senior High School, c. 1958
Charles "Teenie" Harris Membership Enrollment at the Centre Avenue Branch YMCA, c. 1944
Charles "Teenie" Harris Men and boys standing on sidewalk beside The Pittsburgh Courier building, c. 1946
Charles "Teenie" Harris Men playing checkers, Centre Avenue YMCA, c. 1946
Charles "Teenie" Harris Group portrait of eleven men wearing tuxedos at the Centre Avenue YMCA, c. 1935-1950
Charles "Teenie" Harris Exterior of Homestead Municipal Building, c. 1950-1970