Charles "Teenie" Harris Little boy boxer seated in boxing ring, possibly in Kay Boys' Club, ca. 1945
Charles "Teenie" Harris Girl reading "Mickey Mouse and the Submarine Pirates" comic book, Hill District, Pittsburgh, 1947
Charles "Teenie" Harris Ira Vann Harris spraying his brother Lionel Harris with garden hose, Homewood, Pittsburgh, 1948
Charles "Teenie" Harris 1948 City of Pittsburgh marbles champion Howard Hawkins, with children gathered behind him, 1948
Charles "Teenie" Harris Children at cotton candy booth, Pittsburgh, ca. 1945
Charles "Teenie" Harris Small boy in police uniform with police officer Prince "Big Blue" Bruce, Centre Avenue, Hill District, ca. 1938-1945
Charles "Teenie" Harris Woman with Vickie Merritt in front of sign reading “Achievements of the Negro,” Central YWCA, Washington, Pennsylvania, February 1945
Charles "Teenie" Harris Children wearing Halloween costumes at Bedford Dwellings, Pittsburgh, 1941
Charles "Teenie" Harris Girl holding rolled blanket and seated on suitcase, with another girl on right, on sidewalk, ca. 1940
Charles "Teenie" Harris Boy school crossing guard holding back group of children, A. Leo Weil School, Hill District, 1947