Charles "Teenie" Harris Woman with Vickie Merritt in front of sign reading “Achievements of the Negro,” Central YWCA, Washington, Pennsylvania, February 1945
Charles "Teenie" Harris Pittsburgh Courier newspaper press operator, 1954
Charles "Teenie" Harris Small boy in police uniform with police officer Prince "Big Blue" Bruce, Centre Avenue, Hill District, ca. 1938-1945
Charles "Teenie" Harris Frank Bolden and Sarah Vaughan, with another woman and man at piano, in club, ca. 1950
Charles "Teenie" Harris Self-portrait of Charles "Teenie" Harris with son, Charles A. "Little Teenie" Harris, in Harris Studio, ca. 1937
Charles "Teenie" Harris Lena Horne lounging backstage at the Stanley Theatre, ca. 1944
Charles "Teenie" Harris Crawford Grill No. 1 and Crampton Drug store seen from opposite side of street, 1401 Wylie Avenue, Hill District, ca. 1943
Charles "Teenie" Harris Herron Avenue at intersection of Milwaukee Street, Hill District, ca. 1945-1949
Charles "Teenie" Harris Intersection at Herron Avenue and Milwaukee Street, ca. 1942-1946
Charles "Teenie" Harris Group portrait of seven women, including Delta Sigma Theta sorority pledges, November 1955
Charles "Teenie" Harris Four Pittsburgh Crawfords baseball players, Peatross, Johnson, Daniels, and Atkins, standing on field, 1945
Charles "Teenie" Harris Little boy driving toy police car on sidewalk, ca. 1938
Charles "Teenie" Harris Children wearing Halloween costumes at Bedford Dwellings, Pittsburgh, 1941
Charles "Teenie" Harris Mary Lou Williams with P. Lawrence Peeler in Syria Mosque for Night of Stars, 1946
Charles "Teenie" Harris Roberta Thomas and Joyce L. Addaway with former slave Sabre "Mother" Washington, Homewood, ca. 1949
Charles "Teenie" Harris Three boys preparing to dive at Centre Avenue YMCA indoor swimming pool, April 1956
Charles "Teenie" Harris Roland M. Sawyer and Aileen Eckstein Sawyer, posed on their wedding day, Highland Park, 1938
Charles "Teenie" Harris Centre Avenue at intersection of Arthur Street, Hill District, ca. 1938-1946
Charles "Teenie" Harris Two members of the Steel City Elks, Hill District, Pittsburgh, 1943
Charles "Teenie" Harris Civil rights protesters outside of US Steel building, Pittsburgh, June 1966
Charles "Teenie" Harris Boxer "Jersey" Joe Walcott getting haircut from barber Clarence "Speedy" Williams, 1951
Charles "Teenie" Harris Boys playing brass instruments on steps inside courtyard of Pittsburgh Board of Education building, Oakland, ca. 1938-1945
Charles "Teenie" Harris Group portrait, possibly of the Gay Amigos Roller Skating Club, posed in gymnasium, ca. 1938-1950
Charles "Teenie" Harris Jackie Wilson with Porky Chedwick and Roy Hamilton, 1961