Charles "Teenie" Harris Duke Ellington with William "Woogie" Harris and others watching the Pittsburgh Pirates, 1938
Charles "Teenie" Harris Joseph Turner and other workers, digging up street in front of offices of Alderman John J. Lardo, Downtown Pittsburgh, ca. 1947
Charles "Teenie" Harris Boxer Joe Louis holding baby cousin Joe Louis Barrow, with Joe Louis Bombers softball teammates on Greenlee Field, Hill District, 1938
Charles "Teenie" Harris Pittsburgh Crawfords baseball players on Forbes Field, 1945
Charles "Teenie" Harris Small crowd gathered outside Studio Dee, WHOD radio station, Hill District, August 1 1951
Charles "Teenie" Harris Alyce Brooks playing mirrored piano in Continental Bar at Crawford Grill No. 1, ca. 1945-1946
Charles "Teenie" Harris Pittsburgh Courier newspaper press operator, 1954
Charles "Teenie" Harris Crawford Grill No. 1 and Crampton Drug store seen from opposite side of street, 1401 Wylie Avenue, Hill District, ca. 1943
Charles "Teenie" Harris Herron Avenue at intersection of Milwaukee Street, Hill District, ca. 1945-1949
Charles "Teenie" Harris Intersection at Herron Avenue and Milwaukee Street, ca. 1942-1946
Charles "Teenie" Harris Four Pittsburgh Crawfords baseball players, Peatross, Johnson, Daniels, and Atkins, standing on field, 1945
Charles "Teenie" Harris Children wearing Halloween costumes at Bedford Dwellings, Pittsburgh, 1941
Charles "Teenie" Harris Three boys preparing to dive at Centre Avenue YMCA indoor swimming pool, April 1956
Charles "Teenie" Harris Roland M. Sawyer and Aileen Eckstein Sawyer, posed on their wedding day, Highland Park, 1938
Charles "Teenie" Harris Centre Avenue at intersection of Arthur Street, Hill District, ca. 1938-1946
Charles "Teenie" Harris Two members of the Steel City Elks, Hill District, Pittsburgh, 1943
Charles "Teenie" Harris Civil rights protesters outside of US Steel building, Pittsburgh, June 1966
Charles "Teenie" Harris Boys playing brass instruments on steps inside courtyard of Pittsburgh Board of Education building, Oakland, ca. 1938-1945
Charles "Teenie" Harris Boy school crossing guard holding back group of children, A. Leo Weil School, Hill District, 1947
Charles "Teenie" Harris Family members of murder victim George Howard, Hill District, November 1951
Charles "Teenie" Harris The Smithfield Street Bridge seen below, ca. 1950-1970
Charles "Teenie" Harris Group portrait of twelve teenage girls from Kolesque Club wearing homemade plaid skirts and blouses, ca. 1950
Charles "Teenie" Harris Mill, bridge, and river at night, ca. 1938-1945
Charles "Teenie" Harris Woman wearing dark cap with eagle, mounting motorcycle decorated with flags in an alley, ca. 1940-1946