Charles "Teenie" Harris North Homewood Avenue at intersection of Susquehanna Street, Homewood, 1958
Charles "Teenie" Harris Lillie Copeland and her family in their dilapidated home, Strip District, 1951
Charles "Teenie" Harris Small crowd gathered outside Studio Dee, WHOD radio station, Hill District, August 1 1951
Charles "Teenie" Harris Workers demolishing roof of Crawford Grill No. 1, Hill District, 1956
Charles "Teenie" Harris Group portrait of seven women, including Delta Sigma Theta sorority pledges, November 1955
Charles "Teenie" Harris Three boys preparing to dive at Centre Avenue YMCA indoor swimming pool, April 1956
Charles "Teenie" Harris Boxer "Jersey" Joe Walcott getting haircut from barber Clarence "Speedy" Williams, 1951
Charles "Teenie" Harris Brooklyn Dodgers baseball player Jackie Robinson, ca. 1947
Charles "Teenie" Harris Family members of murder victim George Howard, Hill District, November 1951
Charles "Teenie" Harris Group portrait of twelve teenage girls from Kolesque Club wearing homemade plaid skirts and blouses, ca. 1950
Charles "Teenie" Harris Group portrait of Links members gathered for New Years party in the home of William and Daisy Lampkin, December 1955
Charles "Teenie" Harris Men standing behind elderly women seated on swings, at Highland Park picnic, August 1952
Charles "Teenie" Harris Alpha Phi Alpha fraternity, 3046 Centre Avenue, Hill District, 1950-1965
Charles "Teenie" Harris Women and men dancing in couples, in Gateway Plaza ballroom, for FROGS formal, July 1959
Charles "Teenie" Harris Portrait of Bill Nunn Jr., possibly in Pittsburgh Courier Newspaper office, ca. 1952
Charles "Teenie" Harris Group portrait of fourteen young women from Kolesque Club, posed behind light colored upholstered bar, ca. 1950
Charles "Teenie" Harris Dr. Emile Nash seated before lit light boxes with x-rays, in Veterans Administration Hospital, Oakland, 1955
Charles "Teenie" Harris Picketers from Local 1397 on strike in front of US Steel Homestead Steel Works, c. 1957
Charles "Teenie" Harris Group portrait of Schenley High School graduates posed in Centre Avenue YMCA, April 1958
Charles "Teenie" Harris Dr. Emile Nash seated before unlit light boxes with x-rays, in Veterans Administration Hospital, Oakland, 1955
Charles "Teenie" Harris Group portrait of fifteen women, possibly members of Francis Street Friendly Circle Club, gathered in Centre Avenue YMCA, July 1950
Charles "Teenie" Harris Velma Carey singing during "I am an American Day" celebration at Forbes Field, Oakland, 1952
Charles "Teenie" Harris Young men and women dancing in Centre Avenue YMCA gymnasium, c. 1954
Charles "Teenie" Harris Members of Kolesque Club posed in front of railing in interior, ca. 1950