Charles "Teenie" Harris Men standing behind elderly women seated on swings, at Highland Park picnic, August 1952
Charles "Teenie" Harris Charles "Teenie" Harris's 1941 Cadillac Fleetwood parked in front of his studio at 2128 Centre Avenue, Hill District, ca. 1941-1945
Charles "Teenie" Harris Checkers players in front of Babe's Place, Hill District, June 1949
Charles "Teenie" Harris James Dyer driving horseless carriage with Iron City Beer logos, 1962
Charles "Teenie" Harris Four color guard from 372nd Infantry marching in front of soldiers in parade, Fifth Avenue, Downtown Pittsburgh, 1942
Charles "Teenie" Harris United Farm Workers protesters carrying signs outside Kentucky Fried Chicken, 1971
Charles "Teenie" Harris Protestors with signs gathered in Pittsburgh City Council Chambers at the City County Building, 1949
Charles "Teenie" Harris Picketers from Local 1397 on strike in front of US Steel Homestead Steel Works, c. 1957
Luke Swank (Industry - Making Steel), ca. 1930s
Charles "Teenie" Harris Clara Itsue Funasaki seated on Cadillac, with University of Pittsburgh and Cathedral of Learning in background, Oakland, 1946
H. Renzelman (Bridges: South End of Smithfield St. Bridge Looking South) 1912
Charles "Teenie" Harris Group portrait outside "El Cabana Club Casino" 1940-1955
Charles "Teenie" Harris Crowd of young men and women standing in front of Homestead Senior High School, c. 1958
Charles "Teenie" Harris Men and boys standing on sidewalk beside The Pittsburgh Courier building, c. 1946
Charles "Teenie" Harris Men playing checkers, Centre Avenue YMCA, c. 1946
Charles "Teenie" Harris Exterior of Homestead Municipal Building, c. 1950-1970